Dimetridazole Premix

GMP acceptance of veterinary drugs passed the enterprise

Veterinary drug GMP Certificate Number: (2022)Veterinary drug GMP Certificate number 15049

Veterinary drug production Certificate Number:(2022)Veterinary drug production Certificate number 15318


Instructions For Dimetridazole Premix

(Veterinary prescription drugs)

【Veterinary drug name】

Product Name:Dimetridazole Premix

Chinese pinyin:Dimeixiaozuo Yuhunji

【Main ingredient】 Dimetridazole

【Character】 This product is white or white-like powder

【Pharmacological effect】

Demetridazole belongs to antigenic insecticide, which has wide harmonic antibacterial and antigenic insecticide effects. Not only resist

Anaerobic bacteria. Vibrio coli. Streptomonad. Sarcosphaerella and corynospira, and resistant to histotrichomonas. fiber Caterpillar, amoeba, etc.

【Drug interactions】It should not be used in combination with other antihistomonas drugs.

【Effect and use】 Antigenic insecticide. It is used for treponemal disease of pig and histomoniasis of bird.

【Usage and dosage】Calculated with this product. Mixed feeding: 1000-2500g per 1000kg feed. Chicken 400~ 2500g.

【Untoward effect】Chickens are more sensitive to this product, and large doses can cause imbalance and liver and stomach function damage.


(1) It cannot be used in combination with other antihistomonas drugs.

(2) Continuous drug use of chickens shall not exceed 10 days.

(3)Laying period of laying hens is prohibited.

【Drug withdrawal period】Pig, chicken 28 days.

【Specification】 20%

【Package】 100g/ bag x10 bags/bag×15 bags/box 

【Storage】 Block in the light. Seal, store in a dry place,

【Approval number】Veterinary Drug 153181143

【Production date】

【Batch number】

【Validity until】


Shandong Dexin Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Add: Xindian Industrial Park, Huimin County, Shandong Province

Zip code: 251700               Tel: 0543-5057789               Fax: 0543-5760099

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